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Market research: Coffee market in China

Market research: Coffee market in China

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Daxue Consulting

Daxue Consulting is a China-based market research and strategic consulting agency. Our team has worked with over 300 international brands in the last 5 years, including industries such as F&B, education, luxury, cosmetics, digital and high-tech, but also industrial projects in B2B sectors. We conduct all research methodologies internally with a full coverage of Mainland China to provide market sizing, consumer research, promotion and distribution plan design, competition benchmark et others. Our consultants have been quoted in media such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Financial Times, the New York Times, South China Morning Post, China Daily, Reuters, Le Monde, Les Echos.

Comments (4)

Daxue Consulting - March 25, 2013

This was a mistake, the translation is “petite bourgeoisie”

francoise - March 25, 2013

Thanks for your article. It is very interesting. I remember a friend of mine working at Nespresso. They marketed Nespresso as a luxury brand in China. In order to differentiate from tea, they wanted to simply make coffee a high-end product, not a commodity. And tihs was successful ! We can see how Starbucks, Costa Coffee are doing well in China.

    Daxue Consulting - March 25, 2013

    Thanks for your comment. Nespresso has indeed marketed its brand even at a higher level in China than in other countries.

lovechina - March 25, 2013

Actually, I though Costa Coffee was Chinese … there are so many Costa Coffee shops in China. Much more than in Germany for instance. I am also surpsied UBC coffee is Taiwainese. Why Starbucks and Costa are so much more succeesful than UBC ? Taiwanese should be better than Americans to understand the Chinese market. Moreover, personnally, I find Starbucks and Costa not that good and very expensive !

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