Outsourcing consulting in China

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Outsourcing consulting in China

Daxue Consulting is analyzing P&L of the companies, competitors’ providers, and partners as well as precise analysis of the providers and potential partners. Our goal is to provide you with the best advice and Outsourcing consulting in China.

Daxue Consulting uses various proven methodologies to deliver Outsourcing consulting in China

To conduct an outsourcing project, Daxue Consulting may use various methodologies:

  • Information Collection through the Internet (Baidu, Google, specific platforms) and magazines (specific fields, analysis of competitors, competing media plans),
  • Qualitative interviews with market experts: consultants, professors, experts,
  • P&L and internal meetings,
  • Interviews with competitors through various approaches,
  • Qualitative interviews with prospects, clients and competitors,
  • Synthesis of internal documents, etc.


Delivery for an outsourcing

The recommendations resulting from a market research go along with a certain number of papers, in particular:

The figures that highlight industry costs and restructuration,

A benchmark of the players in the market with their marketing strategies,

Summary sheets that detail the strategy of competitors, studies of marketing campaigns carried out previously,

Price of the services for a market research project

The market research is charged on a day study/person basis between 500 and 3000 RMB (55 and 330 euros). The minimum price for a study is 5,000 RMB (550 euros). Some research projects may reach up to 500,000 RMB (50,000 euros) especially when the study is part of a long-term contract. Focus groups, mystery shopping, store-checks are some of the methodologies used by Daxue Consulting.

Outsourcing consulting in China

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Consulting for China Market Research China Consultant in China