
Home / Food & beverage in China / Baby food in China / China’s baby care market: Why do Chinese parents love foreign products? | Daxue Consulting
China’s baby care market: Why do Chinese parents love foreign products? | Daxue Consulting

China’s baby care market: Why do Chinese parents love foreign products? | Daxue Consulting

About the Author


Allison is a marketing manager at daxue consulting. Graduating from the University of Minnesota and studying marketing and Chinese at Nanjing University, Allison has been quoted in the media on topics ranging from AI, social issues, tourism and pharmaceuticals.

Comments (3)

G - January 25, 2019

Allison, thanks for the great article. According to the graph above, the size of the baby car market in China was forecast to reach 3.11 trillion RMB in 2018. Can you tell me the source of that figure?

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