Netizens: Internet Users in China
Authoritative Report from CNNIC
On 17th 2012, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the 29th China Internet development report, taking a sample of a total 6000 users, comprehensively covered fixed phones, PHS families, dormitory fixed phones and mobile phones. The report gave a comprehensive and detailed investigation and analysis on many aspects of internet usage in China in 2011. We abstract the information that mainly focuses on the Chinese netizen dimensions and the character of their structure.
The Chinese netizen dimension and the character of their structure
- In 2011, the number of Chinese netizen exceeded 500 million and reached 513 million, with 55.8 million of new users. The Internet Penetration Level rose 4 percent from the year before, reaching 38.3 percent.
- As for the age structure of the Chinese netizen, as we can see in the graph, the 10 to 29 age group maintained high growth rates, and almost close to a high point; the 30 to 39 age group gradually increased, ready to be the main growth force in the next period; the group above 50 years old changed very little.
- As for the educational level of Chinese netizen, the internet use rate of people with a high school degree or above went up to more than 90 percent, almost close to saturation. The rate of population with low levels of education changed little.
- Home broadband netizen reached 392 million, about the same with 2010; mobile phone netizen reached 356 million, with a slowed down growth rate.
- The average time of internet usage was 18.7 hours for the Chinese netizen in 2011.
- Students are still the biggest group in the Chinese netizen, taking up 30.2 percent.
- There is a clear increase in the percentage of netizen with the above 2000RMB income level, reaching a percentage of 40.2. Percentage of people with no income increased 3.3 percent, reaching 7.9 percent.
- The scale of netizen from China’s rurual area was 136 million, taking up 26.5 percent of the whole netizen population, still with a growth rate lower that city netizen.
- In conclusion, in the past five years, the internet penetration levels in the netizen groups of large increase has almost reached top. Therefore, the growth of dimension of the Chinese netizen has entered a flat period. The growth rate will apparently decrease.