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The malls in Hong-Kong

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Daxue Consulting

Daxue Consulting is a China-based market research and strategic consulting agency. Our team has worked with over 300 international brands in the last 5 years, including industries such as F&B, education, luxury, cosmetics, digital and high-tech, but also industrial projects in B2B sectors. We conduct all research methodologies internally with a full coverage of Mainland China to provide market sizing, consumer research, promotion and distribution plan design, competition benchmark et others. Our consultants have been quoted in media such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Financial Times, the New York Times, South China Morning Post, China Daily, Reuters, Le Monde, Les Echos.

Comments (1)

Chris Robinson - March 28, 2013

The Malls in Hong Kong do not appeal to the average person at all. Apart from providing some welcomed air-conditioning, places to hang out and places to eat, most shops are not catering to the Mr and Mrs Average in Hong Kong. They are catering to Chinese tourists and in the process are marginalizing most of Hong Kong’s consuming population. Every one of these Malls has the same mindless range of branded shops, not only luxury goods but also international brands like Starbucks, McD’s and KFC. One only has to wander the big Malls to see that, until the Chinese tourists arrive en mass, there is basically no one in the shops. What used to be a thriving and appealing places to shop with local brands, fashion and food concepts, etc it is now just like New York, Paris and London, but without the character, Basically pretty boring. Without the anchor supermarkets, cinemas and eating outlets and the ubiquitous Chinese tourist these would be ghost towns. The researcher here is clearly from the Mainland and does not know how Hong Kong feels about its Malls.

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