Donald Trump the Villain!! 2

By Princeton Moses G.
Donald Trump the Villain!!
by Princeton Moses Gbah Right-Wing extremists (Far-Right) has long existed in the Dark Chasms of American Life, often tucked away from Polite Company like a blemish as if in an otherwise immaculate world. Exiled, but yet free to invariably created a world in which xenophobia, sexism and racist ideologies are  allowed to fester in a ...

By Princeton Moses Gbah: Ebola in Liberia; Pres. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Conundrum! 2

By Princeton Moses G.
The Late renown Irish Playwright (George Bernard Shaw) once wrote, “Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.” Shaw’s view on democratic governance rings true in many of the world’s democracies today; perhaps comprehensively. But it echoes particularly in a rather poignant way in so-called African Democracies. ...

Princeton Gbah:The Syrian Crises

By Princeton Moses G.
Princeton Gbah:The Syrian Crises
The Syrian crisis is now in it’s third year. Meanwhile; Bashar Al Assad still manages to cling to power like a cantankerous bully whose reign has seen better days.  And rebel forces of all stripes in Syria are as recalcitrant as Pres. Assad is unwavering in his fight to maintain his power. Unfortunately; the true victims ...

Princeton Moses Gbah: Governor Chris Christie’s- “Bridge-Gate”

By Princeton Moses G.
  In a controversy befitting a Shakespearean drama, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) is now embroiled in a scandal which threatens to ruin his governorship, and soil his reputation along with his Presidential aspirations to disastrous effect. The governor came under-fire from critics when one of his acolytes (Aide) in his office, emails and text messages ...

Princeton Moses Gbah: Immigration Reform

By Princeton Moses G.
Princeton Moses Gbah: Immigration Reform
The potential fluidity of American Politics at times even baffles the politically astute. It wasn’t long ago, though an eternity in political terms, when the political pundits, even the conservative ones, ostentatiously proclaimed that the GOP’s political viability henceforth strongly rested on the Party’s ability to appeal to minority voters, especially Hispanics who supported the ...

The world without religion – much like the world with? 4

By Daniel McKay
The world without religion - much like the world with?
On the plane en route from Milan to Dubai – cramped in coach beginning to read Richard Dawkins “The God Delusion” – unable to use the net to see any responses, I am writing strictly based on an early pass. In the preface, Mr. Dawkins reflects on his dicumentary presented in the UK entitled: “Root ...

Too Much ‘Reality’ News

By Daniel McKay
Too Much 'Reality' News
We need to demand reality in the news, not ‘reality news’.  Reality news, not what news is supposed to be reporting on, “reality”, but “Road Rules” reality has plagued the news the past years. Gone are the days where “Judge Joe Matthews” and “People’s Court” are confined to your local channel’s 2pm lineup, you can ...

The Politics of Detrimental Progressivism! Front-line Women

By Princeton Moses G.
The Politics of Detrimental Progressivism! Front-line Women
There is a scene in the Hollywood Blockbuster hit “Titanic,” when the massive ship once thought unsinkable began to sink deep into the abyss of the North Atlantic after hitting an iceberg.  When it became apparent that they had to abandon-ship, the crew began to lower down the ship’s limited supply of life-boats with the ...

Ugly Reminder – Now is the Time for a Federal Ban on Assault Weapons 2

By Daniel McKay
Ugly Reminder - Now is the Time for a Federal Ban on Assault Weapons
I’m doing some moving (starting a new job) so I will keep this short (I also have the “right to work” idea on my plate). Today Connecticut experienced one of the worst school shootings in US history. At least 28 have been killed among them 17 children.  This would rank up at the second most deadly school ...

Why Taxing the Wealthy and Giving to the Poor Makes Sense 5

By Daniel McKay
Why Taxing the Wealthy and Giving to the Poor Makes Sense
I apologize for the irregular posting, I’ve had a lot come up lately. But amidst all the personal drama I figured I would share an insight, a reminder for many of you. We should be taxing the wealthy and giving money to the poor. It is simple economics, in fact I was just explaining it ...