Pet food market in China – Daxue Consulting – Market Research China Strategic market research and consulting in China Tue, 17 Dec 2019 10:35:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pet food market in China – Daxue Consulting – Market Research China 32 32 Podcast transcript #14: how to develop agile branding strategies in China Sun, 19 May 2019 01:00:33 +0000 Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 14. Learn more about Qin Guo’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below. BECOME AN EXPERT OF BRANDING IN CHINA BY LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. Thanks for listening to this new episode of our China business podcast, […]

This article Podcast transcript #14: how to develop agile branding strategies in China is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

Find here the full transcript of China paradigm episode 14. Learn more about Qin Guo’s story in China and find all the details and additional links below.

Matthieu David: Hello, everyone. Thanks for listening to this new episode of our China business podcast, China paradigm. Today I am with Qin Guo. You are the managing partner of BSUR in China, based in Shanghai. You have been working in this company in branding as a partner for six years if I am correct from your LinkedIn profile. Branding is such a topic in China. I feel that I discovered branding in China…I was not aware how branding was important when I was living in France when I was studying and actually when thinking about it, when preparing for the interview I thought yes, the business of Nike, the business of Coca-Cola doesn’t produce themselves, they work with OEM so basically their main asset is branding. It’s a brand. And that’s something which can be trained because you think that when you manage your company, your own identity, your brand you are going to manage yourself, but no. Even this part the externalize it, part of it.

There are branding agencies in China taking care of their commercials, of the visuals of their videos, and so on. You have worked for foreign companies in China like Merci, Mini, General Fisher, and so… something very interesting I would like to dig in, Chinese companies. You have worked for Shuanglin, you have worked for all the companies you will mention, because I don’t know which one you would like to talk about or at least even some of the foreign companies, you have worked for their branding strategy in China. So that’s something I’d like to dig in.

Another aspect I feel very interested in what you built in China is that you approached your career as an entrepreneur in China in a slightly different way as we usually think of. Most people think of entrepreneurs as someone starting from scratch. Zero to one, like Peter was saying in his book. You had nothing; you built out of nothing, something. You had a different approach. You approached an existing company, BSUR, who was already his client, and you told them, I can open your office in Shanghai, in China. And I feel that I see more and more Chinese, or at least I see a lot of Chinese who have done that, I don’t know if it’s more and more but I know a lot of them who have contacted as an agency, their brand, as a private company to start their approached in China, so I’d like to know more about it. Thank you, Qin, for being with us in our China marketing podcast.

Qin Guo: Thank you and good morning. Yes, thanks for the introduction and then the many questions. I think yes, we can go into quite a lot of details about what you’ve started. Maybe first we start with what is branding right and also is there any difference between the branding in China and in western countries that we serve. So, Branding, I guess many people are confused about the word brand. They think that refers to a logo or a website, but actually, there is so much more about… so much more than that.

Your brand is what comes to the mind when your customers think of your business, and then this is what make you unique and different, and it gives you a competitive edge, and it allows you to make emotional connections with your customer. Well, without one you will be viewed as a commodity and functional objective and your differentiator will be just pricing, and which in the case will put you in the race for the bottom in the end. So, that is in a nutshell, what are branding or a brand about and the difference between branding in China and then in the west, I would really say… in the west, the market is more mature in terms of the consumerism and then the product development through the years of time that has been much longer. I would say China started to really develop a marketing knowledge and then brand knowledge in the past eight years or less than ten, and before that, it was more of okay what is missing in the product? And then if anyone can make a product in this market, they can sell. They don’t have so many competitors in the same category. As long as they are able to manufacture and then to be able to distribute it and put it in the market, they are able to sell because they are providing something that people have not really had before, and then they are able to provide a lot of different functional benefit to people and then that’s why the people are buying.

So as long as their message is clear, what you are offering as functional benefits and then people realize that oh, they have a demand or they already have demanded if they are searching for that particular things. What is happening now is, now it’s a bit different than the same category, similar products, use lot in the same category, and then that means there is a great and fierce competition in each of the segments and then that’s where we needed branding, to make each well… to have an individual brand or product to stand out, and then you have a competitive edge and then you are able to differentiate from your competitors and then consumers can recognize you better and therefore they are interested in your product and decide to buy your product.

So, compared to… I would say probably in the recent ten or eight years, Chinese companies really started to look at branding and then, how to develop a certain level with sophistication in this, and then I think China has been changing…developing so fast, and then growing so fast, and the marketing knowledge become its own unique way of practicing in reality, and that’s probably in what have we seen our clients that they have been doing… it’s very different from the marketing books that it’s already been… what has been described in the marketing books that have been written or provided by many of the successful western marketers?

So now it feels like China is creating its own branding and marketing book at the moment.

Matthieu David:  I see. So currently, how many clients have you worked for, and what is the size of the branding agency in China? Could you tell us a bit of an idea about your company?

Qin Guo:  Yes, sure. So, we have brand consulting in China, and we are providing services to the help companies to develop brand strategies in China and creative communication concept and help them to generate a greater brand awareness and then in China we help those international companies, to enter into Chinese market and also help companies in China to expand their market here, and also to help their company to grow in the Chinese market. At the moment, we have about 8 people, core members manning our strategy consultant and then creative consultant. We have these two-core team that helps to serve in the needs of branding strategy in China and then next will be the creative consult, how to implement? How to help the business communicate in more distinguished and more unique ways?

So that’s the basic structure of how we set up here, and we have about 8 people, core team members that’s four on the strategy consulting side and then four of the creative side. For creative data, we have a mix of graphics creation, and art director and the copywriter, and each of the team members have cost disciplinary in terms of their skill and their experience. This is very important for helping our clients, because branding it requires very integrated skills of your understanding of different businesses and then on the personal level, that also requires a mix of life experience and then high-level curiosity and great learning skills in order to understand quickly, or research quickly on one specific industry which we probably have never been exposed to.

Matthieu David: So, the thing which is striking in every creative agency, branding agency in China, it’s a people business. It’s a business which quality is going to depend on people, and I have questions about the team. So, the first thing is, when I look at branding agencies, creative agencies, I see the podium, and I see around that a lot of freelancers, a lot of part-time people working from time to time with them and so my question is, how do you select them? How do you select because I’m pretty sure you work with a lot of freelancers around you to create videos, to create visuals, to figure out something you may not have intel on, and it’s very common in the industry, but how do you work with them?

They are remote; they’re not suited to your company and secondly, how do you recruit your team? How do you spot someone with creative in the right way? Not creative like artistic and doing whatever he wants, but creative for business. Creative to make business, to sell and I feel that’s something… I sometimes have a hard time to understand, how can you make sure the creativity of the person is going to be consistent with the identity and objective as a brand. Creativity seems so personal that it seems not that easy to correlate. Is it because you’re a brand strategist who is actually helping your creatives to channelize as creativeness forces or creativity, he has inside himself? Can you tell us a bit more about how you build the team, how you manage with the freelancers around you, and how do you build the team?

Qin Guo: Yeah okay, so first this is for our internal team under our permanent staff of working members. On this we need to be very selective because a lot of times, in fact, we do our work in-house, we don’t have a lot of freelancers. And then, on the other hand, we work with partners who are very skilled and are professional in their own specific area. Like the PR companies or the production companies. And we don’t tend to take part in their work, we handed that part of the task or responsibility over to our partners, and we trust them in that. So, a freelancer as I mentioned that we don’t really hire along with freelancers, only in the case where we need copywriters or graphic designer to help with some of the workloads, but we’ve never…

Matthieu David: Okay, it’s an adjustment. It’s not structural.

Qin Guo: It’s not structural and not the ones that we will hire in our own core process. So, when we’re looking for people and in terms of experience, like how they present as a person, their personality is very important for our team. We need to have a natural expresser and that person who has been very natural and then been themselves as our companies’ goal be as you are. That’s a very important part of… the important spirit that we need to have in our team, but also when we are facing the clients. For example, when we say BSUR is also what we tell our clients about when they’re building their brands. Be yourself, not to be like other brands.

Matthieu David: Yeah to make sure that everyone’s understanding, the name of the company is four initials B-S-U-R which sounds like Be as you are yourself. Be like yourself, in your presentation you were mentioning why you say be yourself, ‘because everyone else is taken,’ was the famous quote and that’s the essence of branding. So, the name of your branding agency in China,  BSUR with four initials, and it translates to the idea of identifying your own identity.

Qin Guo: Exactly. That’s the abbreviation of Be As You Are and also that’s how exactly we would tell our clients. Every company is unique, and then every brand will be unique and be yourself, not to be like others. So that’s where we step in and are helping our clients find a true version of themselves and then therefore with the team, we require everyone to be like that. Be themselves, and then it’s a creative environment, and then we want people to have that liberty in doing all the work process. They have their own style of expressing their ideas, and they have their own approach of presenting to clients, but at the end of course, as a business that we need to sell our ideas, but how to sell it… each member of our team, they need to be a very, very good listener

Matthieu David: Exactly and how can you be creative and a good listener, because being a good listener means to be analytical, means to listen, to analyze and to come up with something, but to be creative is a lot of internal processes and is it a brand strategy, as to who is more analytical and a good listener, and to be creative would be more of his own ideas?

Qin Guo: In fact, we involved our creatives on day one, when we have our meeting with the clients about our business integration and our project, and they do interviews with the clients as well. They’re not only creative but also a business analyst, and then we potentially train all the new creatives in this process as it’s very important for them to understand the client’s business, understand their challenge from day one, and then if we give our metaphor like… our process like a train ride, and then everyone gets on the train, and no one gets off until we drive to the destination. And then also during the process, I think people can get judgmental sometimes, that we’re saying oh! Our clients they don’t know about how to do branding and clients that don’t know about how are things and what is the best way to make a decision… and then I will say to them… clients don’t know what we do. That is true, that’s why they hire us, and clients they know everything about what they do, and we don’t know everything about what they do, so we need to learn from there. And only if we learned and understood, then we’re able to listen. So that is the key to how we should get everybody to listen, is to understand that we don’t know what our clients are good at, and be humble, otherwise I think for creatives they can be so proud of their idea and their thoughts, but not relevant to what clients’ needs or helping to solve their problem or issue.

Matthieu David: In the process of getting clients, do you feel clients work with you because of the ideas you’ve initially provided to them, because there’s and ideas you have, so the creative work is actually at the very beginning as a sales process, and when they decide to work with you… .and basically they work with you compared to another one because you already feel better, their identity of their way of working or because of the references, because you have worked in the industry, because it’s a very common way of choosing agencies. Yeah, I have worked in this industry? Who have you been working with? It’s always interesting, but what do you think will be the trigger which makes them decide to work with you? It is the creative side, is it on the opposite the analytical side that your value process reorganized or is it the reference size or maybe another factor?

Qin Guo: Okay, no the key, the most important reason is that clients feel that we understand their situation when they make their decisions.

Matthieu David: A bit more analytical.

Qin Guo: Yes, understanding and listening and then be able to demonstrate our self as an expert in the issues that they’re facing, and it’s not about our creative ideas, I can be a 100% sure on this. In fact, in China, we never present creative ideas, and then we don’t go to pitches…

Matthieu David: You mean not before you work with them, right?

Qin Guo: Yeah. Yeah. Because that automatically give the wrong suggestion, you know the ideas are cheap, and it’s not really well developed. Usually, the pitch is to require a presentation in one or two or three weeks. Which is really not a structured or well-thought process to have such a short time and to develop an idea and then which clients think it may work, it may not. It’s not a value proposition for business. Yeah, and then what we would do… of course, clients still need to become friends; then you have the right partner to work with, what we often do is providing them with a brand assessment in the beginning and help them to understand their real issues or problems with their brand or even with their company. Or products… and then we discuss together and try to identify the real issues. Cause a lot of times, clients who came to us they do not necessarily know the exact problem. Sometimes they came to us asking for new packing designs and to help them… hoping that it would help their product selling better, but in fact, it’s not about their packaging design, it’s about the problem with their products or problem with their distributions. Not fancy enough, not thoughtful enough, or could also be the communication message that was not right, which did not highlight the unique benefits of this product.

So, there can be many other things and then also pretty often we get a request… people are asking us, “can you help to design a website?” and we said yeah, we could. However, you haven’t really thought out your brand story or what you’re trying to tell through your website, and that is not clear… or even sometimes they want to be more competitive in their new product creation and then the way we look at their brand, sometimes we tell them, oh! Your brand architecture is not clear; it’s not that you don’t have enough products. Now you need to create more. You just need to organize and to structure it and to make it clear for customers what you’re selling. It does not about keep creating new items and bringing them into the market.

Matthieu David: What is brand architecture?

Qin Guo: You already have a great existing product, but it’s not been well communicated. Sorry?

Matthieu David: What do you call brand architecture?

Qin Guo: Architecture means… it’s like a tree that you have a main part of the tree, and then you have branches, and it’s all clear.

Matthieu David: What’s the branch?

Qin Guo: Yeah, so it’s a structure from saying Unilever, you have mother brands and then you have many other different sub-brands and then it is a structure that indicates different level of products or different level of brands, sometimes the one company you can have one premium brand and you can have one middle segment and you can have lower. So, it’s a structure that helps people or internally to understand what your setup is with… how you segment different products and the brand and then to make that clear for internal communications and also for people, who are working on the brands to know who is the main target and who is the sub-brands. And, basically, it indicates a correlation of different entities of the company.

Matthieu David: We talked a lot in branding about semiotics. Semiotic words, semiotic analysis, about the meaning of signs, the meaning of the name and so on, could you tell us how you organize its process of creating meaning through visuals, through design and so on. How do you ensure the meaning you convey is consistent with your creation?

Qin Guo: So, basically, I think a lot of processes is very, very similar from company to company, especially the creation of companies. The process is very similar, and we all start with a briefing and then researching and having interviews and also talking to external experts and getting extra insights, this is all very, very similar and that would take research studies and scan through the markets and reports. What is really different is… again comes back to people. It’s about how you… what kind of people you hire and then what kind of talents you put in that specific process.

So, that is really a strategic planning in terms of how we do our work and planning and understanding each person’s talents and then putting that person in the right spot and then also, on a personal level, that person needs to have a very good integrated skills for understanding business first of all, and then be able to follow the process and then to dig very deep into the research. As I said, curiosity is super important in our business while doing the work. Imagine you have a researcher who is not able to dig deep enough and then you’re not able to uncover a lot of truths or facts and identify the deeper level of the issues. So that we do really asses a lot on this level of the skill for each person, and then, of course, the capable and the suitable ones that we put into the team, or we keep them in the team.

Matthieu David: You have been training clients in your portfolio. I don’t know how much you can talk specifically about some of them, but could you explain the context they came to you because you’re an international branding agency in China and they wanted to go overseas? Did they come to you for the branding in China? What’s the logic of a Chinese company coming to you and working with you?

Qin Guo: Let’s say a few years ago when we… a long time ago when we started, there was a trend about taking a Chinese company and going abroad. Well, our companies want to establish their own brand and also exploring the international markets, that was in the past a few years and that being an international company that has a lot of advantage that we understand… you know, we have a good understanding of the international culture and also background and then the people and team who are capable in delivering in that aspects and then of course in the recent year’s things have shifted a little bit.

A lot of the Chinese companies want to develop domestically; however, with the international insight, that is also important. So, now what they’re looking at is that now you have a Chinese team, who has an internationally educated or cultivated knowledge or skills and that can help the strength based on what we already understood for the Chinese market and then able to take it to the next level. To develop your vision and then more creative ways of approaching the business for the future. So, for now, at this moment, we have petitioned ourselves as a Chinese company who has a lot of international input and knowledge in the field. I give you an example of a pet food company, it’s called Nature Bridge, and when they came…

Matthieu David: Is it Chinese?

Qin Guo: Yes. It’s a packed food manufacturing company. When they first came to us, they were already a pretty strong player in the market in their category, and they have this product that is quite unique. It’s pet food made basically with Chinese medicine ingredients.

Matthieu David: Really?

Qin Guo: Yes. It’s quite unique, and they’ve been selling in the vet channel, selling to the pet hospitals and then through vets. Then they wanted to take this product into the European market because that product really has a lot of differentiating qualities is having a lot of Chinese medicine based on natural ingredients and that is quite a unique approach. So, our clients think that they would have a great opportunity, but then the packaging they had was very kind of traditional Chinese and then with a lot of ink drawings, which probably would not make so much sense to the European customers. We also did research and then realized that European customers are a bit skeptical about Chinese medicine. They would not really try that for food branding in China, for example. They are open to acupuncture and massage and things like that, more physical way but never really convinced of putting things that go into your body. So same for the pet food. Pet is like a family member for most European families. 

Matthieu David: Interesting. I am on your site actually, and I’m seeing the Nature Bridge work you did for them, and maybe I’m going faster than what you want to do, but the look of the design you built, looks like from Norway, from Sweden…with the guy with a fish in his hands… there’s a fisherman.

Qin Guo: That’s Nature Bridge, the mother brand, and the brand I was talking about is called Vigor & Sage.

Matthieu David: I see, let me go on this one. I saw it, and it was a very simple design, looks very authentic, very natural. I see…

Qin Guo: That’s the brand we reinvented from old packaging of the natural bridge that is very…

Matthieu David: Did you find the name? Vigor and Sage? Is it your name?

Qin Guo: Yeah, our team created a name, Vigor, and Sage, and it perfectly reflects the energy part of the herbal benefits and also have been wisdom… having wisdom in what the product is offering, it’s a thousand years of Chinese traditional medicine intelligence or experience and then combining with the western approach of natural food ingredients and then inspirations. And this is actually the first time we worked on pet food in China or the category, and then we won several awards on that, one is the Pentaward in 2017, we created and established the brand. We won the best packaging award in that category, and then Penta award is the… well, I would say it’s like an Oscar award in the packaging design industry, it’s the number one indicator. So ever since then, we got quite a lot of opportunities with pet food brands in China, and now when we are being approached by clients from pet food, they say… oh! Our branding agency in China is well known in the pet food industry now. So, that’s something that I did not plan to… did not expect…

Matthieu David: Basically, it’s a service business, people and references count a lot and sometimes leading you to a direction you didn’t expect. I see.

Qin Guo: And the most important because this brand really helped our clients take their business to the next level, for Vigor & Sage, in like 2 or 3 years they’re becoming number two in the supermarket. Number two seller which is…

Matthieu David: Which country?

Qin Guo: In Norway. And also, they’re available in Germany and most of the European countries and also in Russia and then China and South East Asian countries, they are everywhere.

podcast food branding in China

Matthieu David: Its produced in China, its exported to Norway, to Germany and so on… and… no? Is it not produced in China?

Qin Guo: The recipe was coming from China, the RnD team, and then it was manufactured in Germany and the Netherlands, that’s what I know from a few years ago. Two years ago, when we created the brand for them, I don’t know if things changed, but the things were made outside the country for the easiness of importing because the pet food in China importing its very complex, it’s better to be manufactured locally.

Matthieu David: Okay, but still a Chinese company, they were managing the operations in Europe, franchise. They produced themselves, managing from Europe, so the name of the company is Nature Bridge, like natural, Nature Bridge…

Qin Guo:  The mother company.

Matthieu David: The mother company and the segment you worked on, which is pet food is Vigor & Sage, and you found the name, you designed the packaging, you designed the point of sales… the display I understand, and you worked on the visual. Very interesting. You made it more premium, or it was already premium?

Qin Guo: No, it was… we were researching the market, and that’s where the opportunity is and then also exporting our brand and then building a new team, finding a new manufacturing in Europe, it’s a lot of money and cost for our clients and then the decision is they have to stay in the premium segment in order to be profitable.

Matthieu David: I have a couple of questions on another segment you have worked on. This is the food industry, food branding in China. You have worked in the chocolate industry in China, you have worked in cookies, to bring foreign companies in China, could you tell us a little bit more about the changes of food companies in branding in China? Could you tell us a bit more about the challenges that you’ve faced when marketing in the chocolate and cookie companies?

Qin Guo: I want to say the number one challenge in food branding in China is very specific for Chinese consumers and we love food, it’s a very big part of our culture, and also people are very picky about taste and food and people develop a specific taste or preference on that, so what is really important for any brands in China or brands coming into Chinese market, is that the taste, whether the taste is right for the Chinese consumers and especially for the group of target audience that’s soothed to their preference. So that has been a really important factor and also number one thing that should be considered and then our research about… or making sure that it’s the right thing you’re selling, or bringing to the Chinese market.

And then the example we had with Merci, chocolates are really, really great and then with Merci, there are many different flavors in the package, and in the early stage, clients hired a research company to do food tasting and then being very, very careful on the flavors that they are selecting, to put into the package and then making sure that each flavor is liked and preferred by the Chinese consumers, and they would take out other flavors which are not liked by Chinese consumers, even if it was selling so well everywhere else in another country.

So, on that regard, we need to be more strategically more youthful, selling the right products or even modify some of the products and bring that to China. And on the other hand, it’s about packaging and communication, and it’s quite important that we get the right message out there. Food branding in China is very, very competitive, without saying how fierce that can be for the chocolate industry in China, cause for Chinese people I think if not yet, there’s a habit of eating chocolates, like what you do in Europe, every day after the meal you take a bite and… not so much of that and people are still very conscious about… in fact, people have a negative connotation about chocolates where it has a lot of sweet insides, and sugar and fats and people are very conscious of that. So, so far, Chinese consumer has not developed an addiction to chocolates per se.

Matthieu David: So, the chocolate industry in China is still a  market to grow.

Qin Guo: Yeah, it’s definitely for now what we’ve seen before in the gifts segment, it’s working but there are so many chocolate brands wants to sell in China, the chocolate industry in China is becoming so big, they believe there’s a great market, but actually people who are consuming chocolates are a very small population.

Matthieu David: I know you have a meeting. I don’t want you to be late. Thank you very much for having participated in this China vlog, it was very interesting to see how you put branding… how branding in China can be basically supported by agencies and not done internally… I think that’s a very important fact to be aware of. Thanks, Qin, and have a very good day. Thank you, everyone, for listening to China Paradigm, the podcast where we interview entrepreneurs in China.

Qin Guo: Yeah thank you and thanks to everyone, thanks for having me and hope it was helpful.

China paradigm is a China business podcast sponsored by Daxue Consulting where we interview successful entrepreneurs about their businesses in China. You can access all available episodes from the China paradigm Youtube page.

This article Podcast transcript #14: how to develop agile branding strategies in China is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

Pet food market in China: the forecast is expecting Chinese pet food expenditure to get heavier Mon, 10 Dec 2018 01:00:55 +0000 Raining cats and dogs in China China is ranked among the top three countries with the most cats and dogs with the total number of pet owners equalling 73.55 million in 2016. Among this number, 33.9 million were dog owners and 22.58 million owned cats. This clearly shows a preference for dogs among the Chinese […]

This article Pet food market in China: the forecast is expecting Chinese pet food expenditure to get heavier is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

Raining cats and dogs in China

China is ranked among the top three countries with the most cats and dogs with the total number of pet owners equalling 73.55 million in 2016. Among this number, 33.9 million were dog owners and 22.58 million owned cats. This clearly shows a preference for dogs among the Chinese population with 46% of pet owners owning dogs in comparison to 31% owning cats and only 23% owning other animals as pets. China’s pet industry alone has gone through significant but stable growth as it rose from 14 billion RMB in 2010 to 134 billion RMB in 2017. Of this, online pet sales themselves account for more than half of China’s pet food market at 51.8% according to which in conjunction with Pet Fair Asia run one of the largest pet trade shows in China. This popularity shows the growing interest in pets, with the partnership running their 7th annual Pet Food Forum in China this year attracting petfood professionals from China, Southeast Asia and other countries, who were seeking insights and information about the Chinese market. As the popularity of owning pets increases, the pet food market in China is further expected to rise by 27% from 2017 to totaling 170.8 billion RMB by the end of 2018 which is a 17% increase from the growth rate of the previous year.

China pet industry market size Pet owners China cities

Areas with the most downpour

Pet penetration in China

There has been an increase of income which is continually rising with the fast urbanization of China and the rising middle class. Shanghai has the most registered pets in China at 12.4% with Beijing following at 11.2% and Guangdong also at 10.1%. Further, the cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chengdu are all where pet raising is the most popular. This due to the higher disposable incomes of these cities playing a critical role in making pet raising more popular. The rising standard of living has made consumer spending steadily increase. This is specifically seen in relation to pets, with each dog or cat being estimated to cost their owner 5,016 RMB on average in 2018, a 15% increase from 2017. Further, the coastal border of China occupies the majority of pets in China, accounting for 54% of the registered pets throughout China.

China pet food market

Among these, however, are two larger groupings of owners. Firstly, those who are in the older demographic. This is with 61% of people 65 years old and above owning a pet. This age group takes good care of their pet and it typically keeps them company in their older age. Comparatively, those who are younger, around the age of 20 to 30 years, in the emerging urban middle class, own a pet partly due to recent social trends. This younger group pampers and takes good care of their pet due to their affection towards it. However, a well looked after pet also conveys social status and affluence. This is as it illustrates the owners’ disposable income, in that they can not only own and look after a pet but that they can spend money beyond the pet’s basic needs.

Weather leading to an increase in demand for trustworthy and premium products inside the Chinese pet industry

Issues with food safety have encouraged Chinese people to have a deeper look at their food consumption and buy more imported products. This greater concentration on health has applied to both themselves as consumers and their pets as pet wellbeing has become increasingly more important. This is apparent as pets are treated more like family members as they fulfill the emotional needs of their owners. Additionally, pets have become part of a more stylish lifestyle in more urban areas. The increased interest in the wellbeing of pets has to lead to larger expenditure as an industry, as owners try and improve the living standard of their pets. This is evident as, in 2017, pet food was found to be the highest cost at 34%, with pet medical treatment following at 23% and pet products at 16%. This importantly shows the care with which food is chosen, especially as owners go out of their way to buy specialized pet food to ensure the welfare of their pets.

Shanghai pet food market

This caution is especially important as unregulated packaging practices have caused pet deaths as a result of illegal food products. Chinese authorities have been struggling to stop the distribution of tainted products in recent years, therefore making quality, safety and reputation top considerations when making purchasing decisions. Previously, open bags were used to package pet food, but as safety concerns increase this has given way to more premium packaging. As a result, today more premium pouches and cans have been produced in order to package and identify safer food. There is also a tendency to utilize plastic packaging as it is viewed as more trustworthy and convenient.

The pet food on offer and who is selling it on the Chinese market

As stated, due to the increasing interest in the well-being of pets and their contribution to social status, Chinese people are now willing to spend more on their pets. This was illustrated in 2015 where 43% of the pet food market was made up of pet supplements, snacks and other types of foods as opposed to just pet meals themselves. Comparatively, in 2005 this figure was 27%. This shows significant growth within a 10-year period, with snacks and supplements for pets increasing from just over a quarter to almost half of the pet food market in China.

Beijing pet food market

In terms of the food itself, that is the categories of dry, wet and treats, this varies between both cats and dogs. Whilst dry food is significantly higher as a whole, wet food is the second most popular for cats whereas treats are the second most popular for dogs. Moreover, between 2015 and 2016 there was a slight decrease for both animals in regards to dry food. There was, however, for cats a very slight increase in the sales share of both wet food and treats by 2% whilst treats for dogs only increased by 1%. Whilst there is little growth between the two years, both wet food and treats almost take up a quarter of sales share amongst both cats and dogs which accounts for a significant amount of sales within the pet food market in China as a whole. This, further, illustrates the increasing importance of these categories year by year especially as owners spend more on their pets and look for newer and more specialized products.

Cat food China


Additionally, there is growth in the sales share of grain-free pet food. This kind of pet food occupied a considerable market share in 2015 within the United States, however as a market, grain-free pet food is only just starting to burgeon in many other countries. In China particularly, grain-free pet food currently is a niche market with a very limited number of rivals. As a result, this market is currently thought of as a ‘blue ocean market’ where pet food providers can explore. Despite the lack of competitors, however, grain-free pet food has seen an increase in sale share by 158% year on year in China.

The trade war’s affect on the Chinese market

Dog food China

Temporary difficulties and a pause in trade relations between the United States and China is freeing up space in the pet food market in China and opening up opportunities for other countries. This is evident as last year China was reported to have exported $148 million worth of pet food to the United States but to only have imported $6.5 million worth in return. Further, this trade war has made importing pet food from the United States tougher after May this year with tighter customs inspections between the two countries. Things have heated up with it being reported that Washington tariffs have been placed on more than $250 billion Chinese goods and Beijing blocking a huge corporate takeover and making things difficult for imported cars from the United States. This stands off between countries is unlikely to last forever, however, with the pet food industry potentially being an area for compromise between the two as said by Robert B. Zoellick, a former United States trade representative in an interview in Beijing. For the moment though, this current standstill provides a fantastic opportunity for those wanting to enter the Chinese market as pet owners search for alternative quality food sources for their pets.

Dog market in China: the top dogs

Within the pet food market in China, there are three foreign companies that possess 70% of the market share. These are Effem Food which is part of Mars Company which holds 26% of the market, Nestlé Purina PetCare holding 21% and Royal Canin which also holds 21%.

The Mars Company is the largest pet food manufacturer in the world and currently dominates this market space with the two major brands Pedigree and Whiskas. As a brand, it has wide distribution connections throughout China. It also maintains a broad product portfolio with which it sells pet food at a variety of package sizes and prices.

Comparatively, Nestlé Purina PetCare also holds considerable market share. The brand is growing rapidly across China but it is not currently as mature within the market as Effem Food is. The company itself is particularly good at communicating with consumers professionally, however, and also locating new market opportunities through research and development.

In comparison, Royal Canin, whilst it holds the same market share as Nestle & Purina, has a different target audience. This is as the brand differentiates itself by producing high-end pet food aiming towards a more affluent demographic in China. This brand takes advantage of the premiumization trends in China currently and seeks to help pet owners find the most suitable food for their pets whatever the breed, age or size by producing a wide range of products. The company also runs a consumer loyalty program called the Royal Club which is aimed at building and maintaining consumer loyalty.

Pet food market share China

In contrast, local players including Bridge Pet Care, Ronsy Pet Food, Sanpo and Care Pet among others have a heavy presence but only make up 30% of the market. These brands only have a lower end to mid-priced focus but are trying to narrow the gap between them and the predominate international brands in the market. This imbalance is not only due to the accumulation of rich experience in manufacturing pet food that western companies possess. Nor is it just due to their widespread sales networks in China. This success can also be credited to the effort put forth by international players to keep developing new products. This development extends to focusing on widening their product portfolio and knowledge in order to cater to the ever-changing needs of consumers. Mergers and acquisitions are undertaken as these players attach great importance to improving their product offerings and production facilities, thus strengthening their competitiveness in China’s market.

Locations for pet food production in China

Pet food manufacturers China

The main geographical areas for pet food production are on the East Coast of China. This is due to the close proximity of raw materials which allow local businesses to run a more convenient and cost-effective operation. The top ingredients for the production of dog food are beef, grains and chicken. Whereas in contrast, chicken, ocean fish and chicken fat are the top ingredients for cat food. To produce these ingredients, however, different areas are better for particular ingredients. A large supply of corn and wheat in Beijing, Tianjing and the Hebei province make the production of dry food easier. Comparatively, the Shandong province is an agricultural area which produces broilers, that is chicken that is bred and raised especially for meat production. As such, pet snack manufacturers who need these materials, typically settle around this area. Local producers of dry and wet food, however, place their smaller factories in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Recent regulation for pet food production in Mainland China

With the recent development of the pet food industry in China, the government this year has introduced stricter regulation for the production and importation of pet food. This is in order to improve food safety. These regulations now require producers to acquire a production license for those locally producing cat or dog food. These regulations particularly apply to those producing either pet compound food or pet food additive premixes. Pet compound food is categorized based on its ability to meet the nutritional needs of the pet, whereas pet food additive premixes are labeled based on their capacity to provide additional needs for pets by including benefits such as vitamins. A third category was also created, for snack pet food which does not necessarily provide any nutritional benefits but is given as a treat or reward to pets. However, a license is not needed by manufacturers to produce these.

Distribution channels for China’s cats and canines

The most common pet China

In terms of distribution, 80% of pet food retail channels in the market were made up of specialized retailers in 2015. This can be compared to West Europe where the majority of their retail channels were occupied by mass merchants. In China, however, mass merchants only make up 20% of the market and include channels such as discount stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets and grocery stores. In contrast, specialized retailers include pet shops, pet supermarkets, veterinary clinics, DIY and garden centers, online pet specialty stores, farm and feed agricultural shops and veterinary clinics.

Pet food retail channels China

From 2014 to 2015, supermarket sales dropped by 15% as sales in pet stores grew by 4%. This is as pet owners want professional advice when buying food for their pets. This further illustrates the care taken into consideration when looking after pets and the increased concern shown by the Chinese population in regards to the welfare of their pets. Moreover, offline pet food shopping exceeded online shopping by 6% in 2015 as consumers seek out advice in person. This is also done not just in pet stores but also veterinary clinics as consumers look for quality and more professional advice. However, offline shopping in the future is likely to decrease due to the rapid increase in the internet penetration rate. This is also evident as distribution channels are also preferring online methods with 74% of distribution being online and only 26% being offline.

Pet food market distribution China

The demographics of consumers are also determinative in the way they purchase pet food. A survey conducted by Flanders Investment & Trade found that the older demographic is used to buying food in supermarkets and pet stores. As a result, they prefer to purchase products in person from traditional stores. This, however, is a problem for smaller local businesses as physical stores usually require a slotting fee, which is only affordable to large Chinese or international pet food brands. Comparatively, the younger generation tends to be more computer savvy and prefer to order pet food online as it is cheaper and more convenient. Therefore, this younger demographic drives the increased demand for online resources. This is especially evident as pet apps and forums rise in popularity in China. The most popular apps and forums being Smellme, Yourpet, Liuliu, Boqii and Fdog. Further, as China’s middle-class population blooms, the average age of pet owners now squarely overlaps the country’s more tech-savvy youthful demographic. This change in consumption habits and population provides opportunities for foreign brands to capitalize on. This is especially as the internet penetration rate increases and professional advice is wanted by pet owners.

An ideal time for foreign brands to enter the Chinese pet market

There is a demand for foreign brands and their reputation and quality. These international players are dominating the market currently with their product development strategies and extensive experience in manufacturing pet food. Therefore, Chinese consumers are more willing to trust and buy products from these brands. This is especially in light of food safety concerns arising from issues in local production thereby making consumers view foreign products as safer. This is view aids foreign brands in entering the market as there is an opportunity to emphasize their experience, trustworthiness and knowledge. Further, the premium product demand, and the growing disposable income available to the rising urban consumer middle class provide opportunities for brands who wish to enter the Chinese market and sell a very wide or specific range of high-quality products.

Pet culture in China Pet food Asia

Expenditure on pets is also expected to significantly grow. Although 16.4% of Chinese pet owners spent 1000 RMB on their pets monthly in 2016, 49.5% of expenditure is only at 101 to 500 RMB with 25% of expenditure being 501 to 1000 RMB. The lower average monthly expenditure is expected to grow as disposable income does provide plenty of opportunities for brands to enter the market. This is especially evident as cats and dogs are seen as status symbols, and as pet raising remains a trend among those in the emerging middle class. Moreover, the growing care of Chinese consumers about the wellbeing of their pets and their inclusion as a family is likely to keep contributing to the increasing expenditure in the pet food industry.

Chinese monthly expenditure on pets US and China statistics pets

Further, it is clear that the Chinese pet market industry has a lot of growth ahead as a whole. Whilst China is among the top three countries with the most cats and dogs, it has a very small amount of animals in proportion to its population. This is evident as in 2016 it was reported that the United States had 143.99 million dogs and cats with a population of 325.66 million ending up with 1 pet dog or cat per 2.26 people. In comparison, China had 80.50 million dogs and cats and a population of 1,386.10 million resulting in 1 pet dog or cat per 17.22 people. Further, the United States has 1.33 pet dogs or cats per household in comparison to China only having 0.17 per household. The significant difference between the two countries is also exemplified in the substantial difference of the penetration rate. In the United States, dog and cat-owning families account for 44.2% of the population surpassing China by almost 40%. This considerable gap indicates that China’s pet market is far from saturated providing lots of opportunity, for not just those specializing in the pet food, but also for the pet industry as a whole to brands wanting to enter the market.

Author: Jessica Farrell 

Focus groups, consumer roundtables, and workshops are ones of the most executed methodologies by Daxue Consulting to collect these first-hand consumer insights.

Daxue Consulting leverages focus groups in Mainland China and Hong Kong to gain information about Chinese consumers’ feelings, opinions, and perceptions. The following analysis aims at mapping attitudes, motivations and decision criteria of Chinese consumers.

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