Chinese language – Daxue Consulting – Market Research China Strategic market research and consulting in China Tue, 18 Aug 2020 18:31:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chinese language – Daxue Consulting – Market Research China 32 32 Feeling the beats of the Chinese rap culture Mon, 15 Jun 2020 22:25:07 +0000 Chinese rap and hip-hop music slowly emerged in the late 80s, along with the establishment of the Juliana Club in Beijing. In 1984, the club is the only one in Mainland China to welcome foreign DJs, who began to play rap on a daily basis. Chinese rap culture gives a space for Chinese subcultures to […]

This article Feeling the beats of the Chinese rap culture is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

Chinese rap and hip-hop music slowly emerged in the late 80s, along with the establishment of the Juliana Club in Beijing. In 1984, the club is the only one in Mainland China to welcome foreign DJs, who began to play rap on a daily basis. Chinese rap culture gives a space for Chinese subcultures to grow and thrive.

Rap music penetrates China under a western influence

The first rap singers in China spoke English because many believed that the Chinese language and its tones don’t fit the genre. One of the first Chinese DJs to rap at the time, DJ V-Nutz (Gary Wang), explained in 2007: “I would say that we don’t have a Chinese style yet. If you really want me to say, what is Chinese style, I would say it’s young. Local kids really enjoy western things right now. Then maybe after 10 or 15 years, maybe they can have their own style.” At that time, certain aspects of the hip-hop culture were making their ways onto Chinese billboards and charts, but not on the airwaves.

Gary wang partying at ‘The Shelter’ a hip-hop club in a Beijing’s bomb shelter

Source: VICE, Gary wang partying at ‘The Shelter’ a hip-hop club in a Beijing bomb shelter

The beginning of rap music in China

In 2003, the multinational Beijing hip-hop group Yin Ts’ang was the first mainland Chinese hip-hop group to release an album to critical acclaim. The group was made up of global nomads: two Americans, a Chinese Canadian, and a Beijinger. The diversity of the group – which is considered one of the pioneers of Chinese rap music – reflects Western influence in the beginning of China’s rap music.

China's first rap group

Source: The New York Times, The rap group Yin Ts’ang

Yin Ts’ang’s first hit was ‘In Beijing’ (Zai Beijing), from the group’s 2003 debut album, ‘Serve the People.’ The title melts a traditional melody played on the violin against a hip-hop beat. The song, whose Chinese lyrics explore the hidden corners and great deals of the Chinese capital, took the underground music scene by storm, eventually finding its way into karaoke rooms, the internet, and even the playlist of a radio station in Beijing.

The group defends its lyrics in Chinese, which awaken the Chinese urban youth. “Before that, kids listened to hip-hop in English, but maybe less than 1 percent could actually begin to understand”, said Zhong Cheng, a member of the Yin Ts’ang.

Rap music hits Sichuan

2006 saw the rise of another famous rap group from Chengdu called Big Zoo, with several mixtapes and freestyle releases. The group won several domestic awards before fading away in 2011. With its verses in Sichuan dialect, the group is commonly regarded as the one who led the development of the rap of Chengdu, and more importantly, the birth of a new urban subculture in Southwest China.

In the late 2000s, hip-hop venues are flourishing in China, and 2009 saw hip-hop being broadcasted for the first time by the China Central Television for the annual Chinese Lunar New Year Gala.

If the 2010s distinguishes China’s rap as a new genre of music, making Chinese rap at that time is still a profitless and often subversive activity. Thus, it is only in 2017 that Chinese hip-hop scene will burst with a dedicated TV program.

The reality TV show ‘The Rap of China’ has catalyzed the rise of hip-hop in China since 2017, exploring the new potential market to achieve monetization

The underground and metallic decor of 'The Rap of China'

The underground and metallic decor of ‘The Rap of China’

“Do you have freestyle?” the sentence of Kris Wu, one of the judges of the TV show ‘The Rap of China’ (Zhongguo you xiha, or Zhongguo xin shuochang) went viral on Chinese social networks. The show consists of detecting new talents in Chinese rap, many of them previously underground, via a freestyle contest. Before the start of the 2019 season, the hashtag #TheRapOfChina reached 8.7 billion tags on Weibo across more than 44.23 million users discussing the show.

Through this TV show, iQYI (the Chinese video platform behind the show) explores the potential market of Chinese rap deeper by realizing the monetization of the rap industry. On top of Mainland China and Taiwan, the show is widely distributed to other Asian territories, bringing Chinese hip-hop culture to a broader audience. The show is such a hit among the young generation that it plays a big role in the trends of lifestyle and entertainment consumption in young people.

Since 2017, ten years after Gary Wang’s prediction about the future of the Chinese rappers, the buzzword ‘rap’ peaks according to the Chinese show’s episodes. Surprisingly, Chinese youth use the word ‘rap’ much more than its Chinese counterparts ‘嘻哈’ (xiha, meaning hip-hop) or 说唱 (shuochang meaning rap). The word ‘freestyle has no equivalent in Chinese, and many of the show’s participants mix Chinese and English in their verses.

Baidu Index, the buzzword ‘rap’ peaks according to the Chinese show’s episodes

Source: Baidu Index, the buzzword ‘rap’ peaks according to the Chinese show’s episodes

The Rap of China’s audience brings together Chinese Generation Z

Watching the program, the characteristics of Chinese rap immediately hit the viewer. The show is aimed at young Chinese urban culture, with an industrial and underground design, as illustrated in the image above. Chains, cans of paint, toolboxes, and other construction materials are part of the show’s decor, reflecting the rapid urbanization of China experienced by Chinese youth. The dark atmosphere immerses the viewer in the ambience of underground hip-hop clubs, often located in shelters and basements of major Chinese cities.

The audience brings together the Chinese generation post 95s and 00s. According to Baidu Index, around 70% of the Chinese people who search for ‘rap’ on the Chinese internet are under 30 years old. More surprisingly, females account for 55.8% of the total searches.

age and gender distribution of rap fans in China

Source: Baidu index, daxue consulting analysis, age and gender distribution of rap fans in China

As for geographical distribution, rap consumers are mainly balanced between first- and second-tier cities, Beijing being the number one and Chongqing the 8th. The keen interest for rap among people from Chengdu city and the Sichuan province near Chongqing city is linked to the emergence of a new kind of rap, called ‘trap’ that shakes western China.

Geographical distribution of rap fans in China

Data source: Baidu index, daxue consulting analysis Geographical distribution of rap fans in China

‘The Rap of China’ highlights Chinese-youth market potential

But what strikes the viewer at the very first glance is the ability of the show to be overcrowded with advertisement messages. The 2019’s season host the financial application 有钱花 (you qian hua, have money to spend) as the main sponsor of the show. The logo of the application appears everywhere, at the top of the show’s logo, at the bottom right corner, and in the decor of the show. The show even features promotional rap clips that highlight the brands’ products. Thus, marketing promotion is at the heart of the competition since participants must compete in promotional clips.

Brands sponsoring the most-watched show among Chinese youth reflect the market potential for brands targeting young Chinese. Thus, outside of the main sponsor, spirits brands such as Absolut Vodka and 江 小白 (Jiangxiaobai), a Baijiu brand from southwest China, are highlighted. A brand of shampoo, Clear by Unilever, appears regularly. Pepsi is also very visible during the show, as is War Horse 我马 (Wo Ma), a Thai Chinese energy drink brand. The American chewing gum brand, Extra, in Chinese 益 达 (Yi Da) and a brand of sanitary pads, are presented through rap clips during the show.

The brands sponsoring the 2019 season of ‘The Rap of China’ reflect the lifestyle of the new Chinese generation.

Rap as a route to gen-z marketing

With all these brands popping up during the show, one can wonder about Chinese young generation’s market potential. Gen Z, or the post-95 generation, includes nearly 170 million people in China. Even though many are not part of the workforce, it doesn’t keep them from spending money. Thus, 70% of them receive at least 3,000 yuan (USD420) in pocket money, while 21% are getting more than 10,000 yuan per month.

Moreover, according to Mckinsey’s China consumer report 2020, “young, free-spending consumers in lower-tier cities are today’s growth engine.” This critical set of consumers is unaffected by slowing growth and rising cost of living that affects top-tier cities in China.

In China, the target consumer does not just start at twenty-somethings with full-time jobs in the office. Many in their late-teens already have cash on hand even if they don’t have a fixed income. And advertisers on ‘The Rap of China’ know this.

Exploring Western China’s largest cities of rappers

As ‘The Rap of China’ displays, hip-hop music incorporates street fashion and internet culture, which is embraced, learned, and made by the young Chinese generation. The demographics analysis of the keyword ‘rap’ on Baidu display East provinces as the epicenter of the trend. However, in the west, we also see Sichuan province being hit by the phenomenon. A new hip-hop revolution called trap occurs in Chongqing and Chengdu, the two largest cities of the west. Trap music is a subgenre of hip-hop, characterized by the significant use of tuned kick drums and bass, and an often-dark ambience and lyrical content.

Meet Chengdu’s hottest rappers: Xie di, Higher brothers, Ty.

In Chengdu, Sichuan province, hip-hop is even hotter than its infamously spicy cuisine. Here lies the Higher Brothers, China’s hottest hip-hop export. This band of four friends is the first to make it internationally with their DIY lyrics, recording, and production. Their ‘Made in China’ clip on YouTube is the most viewed among Chinese hip-hop videos, almost hitting 20 million views.

Higher Brother's 'Made in China'

Source: 88rising’s YouTube channel, Higher Brothers’ clip ‘Made in China

Like Big Zoo’s former rap, they melt Sichuan dialect, Mandarin and English in their lyrics. But they never do it on purpose, mainly focusing on the meaning of the words in each of these languages, and how it sounds. If no one knows why trap takes off in Chengdu, the Sichuanese dialect could be the reason. This twangy local dialect is said to lend more naturally to the musical style than Mandarin, China’s official language.

The legendary Chengdu City Rap House is the heart of Chengdu’s rap. It’s one of the most influential hip-hop labels in China, best-known for nurturing the success of the Higher Brothers. The collective gathers other super-famous rappers from Chengdu, like Ty. and Boss Shady (Xie Di).

Chengdu’s rappers are up against strict censorship

The latter has known a burst of popularity in 2014 by bringing Chengdu’s rap to a Chinese talent TV show called ‘The Voice of China.’ In 2018, the rapper released a dialect-heavy track called ‘Fuck Off Foreigners’ (Gua laowai). The song’s harsh lyrics towards foreigners got him banned from performing in China for an entire year. But Shady is not letting censorship get him down, announcing its partnership with Ty. to build a new record label.

Ty., Chengdu’s most successful solo rapper domestically, also experienced the throes of censorship through his breakout track ‘Hooked on drugs’ (Hai yao shang le yin), in 2014. The rapper appears then in ‘The Rap of China’ with a more commercial-friendly rap featuring other artists, including Boss Shady. A longtime friend of the Higher Brothers, he is also featured in some of their newly released tracks.

TY. and Boss Shady famous Chinese rappers

Source: VICE, YouTube, Ty. (left) and Boss Shady (right)

But a new unpleasant rivalry is coming from another neighboring western city, whose rappers have built their popularity on the back of the success of ‘The Rap of China.’

Chongqing, the Atlanta of China

This city is Chongqing, China’s third-largest city, and home to 31 million people. The commonly nicknamed ‘fog city’ or ‘bridge city’ is often compared to Atlanta, Georgia the birthplace of trap music in the United States.

Here lies the GOSH music label, gathering the most influential rappers of Chongqing, with well-known names across China, such as GAI, Bridge, and Wudu Montana. These three rappers all appear in the wildly popular reality show ‘The Rap of China’, with GAI winning the first season, in 2017.

However, GAI’s first burst of popularity came in 2015, along with the release of ‘Gangster,’ a controversial track in which the rapper claims to be a gangster. The track has soon been banned on the multiple Chinese video websites, people questioning the fact that this song could instigate criminal activities.

How a matcha-shop-owner-gone-rapper popularized Chongqing’s rap music

Popularizing rap using Chongqing dialect with similar dialects, GOSH label is maximizing its influence over the southwest region. The first rapper to sing about the fog city is Wudu Montana (Wudu literally meaning ‘fog city’ in Chinese), a matcha tea shop owner. Just like the Yin Ts’ang crew, his first hits told about his daily life growing up in the vast city, and its development since the 90’s. It is this street culture that he tries to transmit in his sounds. According to him, “Chongqing has changed a lot, things that were once small are now big.”

Wudu Montana (left) and Gai (right) on stage

Source: VICE, YouTube, Wudu Montana (left) and Gai (right) on stage

Another rapper, whose name also resonates with the city and its many bridges, has recently become the Chongqing’s new rising star. Bridge is perhaps Chongqing’s rapper whose look is the most explosive. Dreadlocks and large bubble glasses are the hallmarks of this energetic rapper. According to him, trap allows people to express things with beats, just like the Chinese poets did in the old days.

Bridge during his participation for the season 2 of ‘The Rap of China’

Bridge during his participation for the season 2 of ‘The Rap of China’

Chongqing’s rap is more aggressive than Chengdu’s. This is reflected in what those rapper call ‘attitude.’ If people tend to compare Chengdu and Chongqing’s rap, we see that these rappers have their own shining characteristics, whether they come from Chongqing or Sichuan.           

Chinese rap is going outside of China

That being said about ‘The Rap of China,’ Chengdu, and Chongqing’s rap, we are obviously currently witnessing the rise of the Chinese rap music. But what about globally?  Is there any opportunity for Chinese rap to catch foreign audiences, while foreign streaming music and video platforms are blocked in China?

88rising, a multimedia company and music label for Asian rap in the US

A New-York based company launch in 2015 made its top priority to raise the profile of Asian hip-hop in the United States. Its name is 88rising (the 8 is the luckiest number in the Chinese culture), an Asian-focused record label and media company. The company, which only features 3 to 4 Asian artists at a time, focus on exporting Eastern culture to the West, one viral hit at a time. Among the featured artists, the Higher Brothers’ crew represents the Chinese branch.

Since the Higher Brothers signed in 2016 under 88rising’s banner, the Chengdu’s rap group completed two US tours in front of sold-out crowds. The first move of 88rising to translate the Higher Brothers hype in the United States came with the viral YouTube video ‘Rappers React to Higher Brothers’, where famous US rap artists reacted very positively to their ‘Made in China’ hit. Since then, the crew released its long-awaited new album, ‘Five Stars’ still under the 88rising label.

Higher Brother’s announcing their participation at 88rising’s music festival in Los Angeles, 2019

Source: Higher Brother’s Facebook page announcing their participation at 88rising’s music festival in Los Angeles, 2019

Much of the power of 88rising is due to the fact that it operates more like a PR agency than a record label. Miyashiro, 88rising’s CEO, estimates that only 30% of the company is dedicated to full-time music. In comparison, the other 70% is split between video production, business development, and fostering direct relationships with streaming music and video platforms, their digital playground.

But in China, relationship with Spotify’s teams are not enough, with most foreign streaming platforms blocked and replaced by local equivalent. This explains why 88rising decided to break the Chinese walls by employing a dozen full-time staff in Shanghai.

In 2019, Higher Brothers won the award for hip-hop artist NetEase’s label of the years, 88rising taking the award for Chinese music streaming of the year at the same event.

Could censorship be the glass ceiling of the rise of China’s rap music?

Ironically, one month after receiving these awards, several 88rising tracks were pulled from NetEase, ostensibly for lyrical content failing outside the requirements of Chinese censors. Even the wildly popular reality show ‘The Rap of China’ fall under the state broadcast administration regulations, which prohibited depictions of the hip-hop culture, including tattoos and obscene lyrics. Making rap about drugs, sex, violence, and politics is out of the question.

The beginnings of hip-hop – including trap music – in China were primarily influenced by western culture. Western lyrics often include violence and anti-system verses, a path that Chinese rappers tried at their expense.

Even with censorship, however, the success of rap in China among the young Chinese generation is real. By moving west towards Chengdu, Chinese rap has only proven its uniqueness: it is incisive, technical, and requires great dexterity to mix Chinese dialects, Mandarin, and English. It focuses on the style and character of the rapper, verses from Chinese rappers appearing in the process of building a full-fledged character, with coolness and attitude at its center.

Author: Maxime Bennehard

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How to choose a Chinese name for a foreign brand| Daxue Consulting Mon, 16 Sep 2019 02:17:59 +0000 Foreign brand names in China Translating Western Brands in China With the unprecedented economic growth that has characterised China in the last decades, more and more foreign companies, especially luxury brands, see an opportunity to enter the Chinese market. The trending expansion towards the East has become a sort of new frontier for high-end manufacturers […]

This article How to choose a Chinese name for a foreign brand| Daxue Consulting is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

Foreign brand names in China

Translating Western Brands in China

With the unprecedented economic growth that has characterised China in the last decades, more and more foreign companies, especially luxury brands, see an opportunity to enter the Chinese market. The trending expansion towards the East has become a sort of new frontier for high-end manufacturers based in Europe, North America, and Japan. This is because, with a population of about 1.4 billion and the largest middle-class in the world, the Chinese consumer market is showing a growing appetite for high-quality products. That is why successful Western brands in China have what Daxue Consulting calls brand-naming strategy.

How to make a Chinese brand-naming strategy

In order to facilitate the outreach of foreign luxury brands, the “sinicisation”— the acquisition of characteristics connected to the Chinese culture—of even the most famous brand names is a necessary prerequisite to conquer the Middle Kingdom. In fact, the necessity to adjust a brand name from its, usually, Indoeuropean linguistic origin (the language family that comprises almost all European languages) to Chinese Mandarin, which belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, stems from very practical reasons. First of all, there is a great difference between the phonetic systems (the sounds that compose a specific language) that we usually find in Indoeuropean languages like English, French and Italian and the phonetic system of Chinese Mandarin. Secondly, Chinese characters are the official writing system in China, and it does not take long before realising that the Chinese writing system works in a completely different way from Latin- or Arabic-based alphabets.

Foreign Brands in China
[Source: The Chairman’s Bao, ancient Chinese characters]

Foreign Brands in China and the challenge of Chinese characters

Every successful marketing strategy starts from a good visual representation of a brand name. Western brand names in China are no exception to the rule. For this reason, the way a company’s name is written may make the difference between success and failure. Therefore, a proper transliteration of a foreign brand into Chinese characters may open the doors to a market that has no equals in terms of size and potential for growth. At the same time, a failing brand-naming strategy may turn business into a nightmare. But why is brand naming in China so complicated?

Brand naming in China and the Chinese writing system

Chinese characters form a writing system that has much more in common with Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics than it has with Latin and Arabic letters. For this reason, the Chinese writing system is officially classified as logographic, which means that a single Chinese character roughly corresponds to a word. The Latin and Arabic alphabets, on the other end, are composed of letters, which represent the individual sounds (phonemes) of a word. This means that a foreign brand name may not be easy to transliterate into Chinese characters unless it is adapted to the characteristics of the Chinese writing system. However, this is only the first challenge that foreign brands in China need to overcome in order to seize the opportunities offered by this expanding market. As we will explain in the following chapters, there are still a number of linguistic barriers that the marketing department of every foreign company must reckon with before approaching the Chinese audience.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs
[Source: Ancient Origins, Egyptian Hieroglyphs]

How phonetics affects the choice of a brand name in Chinese

Phonetically speaking, On the one hand, European languages are characterised by the presence of polysyllabic (multiple syllables) words, on the other hand, Mandarin is characterised by the presence of mostly monosyllabic (one syllable) and disyllabic (two syllables) words. These differences, together with a number of other linguistic characteristics that set Chinese Mandarin apart from its European counterparts, make it extremely difficult for native speakers of Chinese to pronounce foreign brands like Ferrari and Lamborgini. In fact, these two famous Italian brands should be pronounced with the typical Italian rolled /r/, which is dreaded by most Chinese speakers because it is alien to the phonetic alphabet of the Mandarin language.

Foreign brands in China: a matter of tones

Also, Chinese Mandarin is a tonal language, which means it uses pitch variation to distinguish words that otherwise one would pronounce the same way. One famous example, that teachers of Chinese use to clarify how tones affect the meaning of the words, is the following one: 马(mǎ), with a falling-rising tone, which means horse; 妈(mā), with high-continuous tone; which means mother; 吗 (ma), without tone, which is used at the end of a sentence to mark a question; and 骂 (mà), with a rapid-falling tone, which means scolding or cursing. Needless to say that it is better not to mistake a horse for your mother, or cursing instead of posing a question. The same problem may come about when introducing a foreign brand in China. This is why, sometimes, foreign brands in China can sound really odd to the ears of the Chinese speakers.

Western brand names in China
[Source: British Library, Chinese Prounciation]

Western brand names in China: Case studies

Below, we listed a number of the most famous and successful foreign brands in China and how they have been transliterated into Chinese characters. It is immediately clear that most of the companies paid great attention to maintaining the sonority of the original name, yet, at the same time, they have adapted the original name to the Chinese phonetic and writing system.

Chinese names of Western automaker brands

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
Mercedes-Benz Méi Sài Dé Sī – Bēnchí 梅赛德斯-奔驰
Porsche Bǎo Shí Jié 保时捷
Jaguar Jié Bào Qìchē 捷豹汽车
Audi Dàzhòng Ào Dí 大众奥迪
Lexus Léi Kè Sà Sī 雷克萨斯
Infiniti Yīng Fěi Ní Dí 英菲尼迪
Ferrari Fǎ Lā Lì 法拉利
Lamborghini Lín Bǎo Jiān Ní 林宝坚尼
Maserati Mǎ Shā Lā Dì 玛莎拉蒂
Bentley Bīn Lì Qìchē 宾利汽车

[Source: Daxue Consulting, Western automaker brand names in Chinese]

Chinese names of Western shoe brands

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
Adidas Ài Dí Dá 爱迪达
Nike Nài Kè 耐克
puma Biāo Mǎ 彪马
Reebok Ruì Bù 锐步

[Source: Daxue Consulting,  Western shoe brand names in Chinese]

Chinese names of Western brands of watches

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
Rolex Láolì Shì 劳力士
Cartier Kǎ Dì Yà 卡地亚
Longines Làng Qín Biǎo 浪琴表

[Source: Daxue Consulting,  Western watch brandnames in Chinese]

Chinese names of Western brands of fashion & cosmetics

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
l’Oreal Ōu Lái Yǎ 欧莱雅
Estée Lauder Jiā Yǎ Shī Lán Dài 家雅诗兰黛
Cliniqie Qiàn Bì 倩碧

[Source: Daxue Consulting, Western beauty products brand names in Chinese]

Chinese name of Western brands of coffee shops

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
Nescafé Què Cháo Kāfēi 雀巢咖啡
Starbucks Xīng Bā Kè 星巴克
Costa kā Shì Jiā 咖世家

[Source: Daxue Consulting, Western coffee brand names in Chinese]

Chinese name of Western hotels

Latin Alphabet Pin Yin (pronunciation) Chinese Characters
Sheraton xǐ Lái Dēng Jiǔdiàn 喜来登酒店
Hilton Xī Ěr Dùn 希尔顿
Marriott Wàn Háo Guójì 万豪国际

[Source: Daxue Consulting, Western hotel brand names in Chinese]

Foreign companies’ brand naming in China

When it comes to China, the brand-naming strategy is supposed to be vital for entering the Chinese market. In fact, a chosen company’s name, written in Chinese, may play a considerable role in attracting or losing potential customers. Very often, when foreign companies enter the Chinese market, brand naming may not be one of the top of the priorities of the head office. However, relegating the brand-naming strategy at the margins of the company’s general marketing policy may lead to sound business failures, as even some world-renowned multinationals learned at their expenses.

Microsoft’s sloppy Brand-naming strategy in China

For example, in 2009, Microsoft launched in China its web service known as Bing to compete with Google. The company transliterated its search engine as 必应  “Bìyìng”, which in Chinese literally means “must respond”. That notwithstanding, the Chinese Mandarin pronunciation is very similar to the word for “sickness” 病 “Bìng”. The result of this rather superficial brand-naming strategy may have contributed to the disappointing performance of the search engine, in that it still has a negligible share of the Chinese search engine market. On the other hand, Before it was banned from the mainland in 2010, Google had reached a market share of 38.5%. Behind this success, there are a number of reasons. First of all, the company had taken great care in choosing its Chinese name 谷歌 “Gǔgē”. In fact, to make sure that the new name would please Chinese customers, Google asked its native Chinese employees to adapt the company’s brand to the sonorities of their native language. The Employees tried out all possible character combinations using two Chinese characters which start with the sound “G”; then they voted which one seemed to be the most appropriate to them. To further highlight how important brand-naming can be in China, some time after the Chinese website of Google had been launched, some Chinese netizens—not entirely satisfied with the new name of the company—created, where everyone could suggest an alternative name to 谷歌Gǔgē.

brand naming in China
[Sozrce: Google, Chinese Logo]

Retaining original names of foreign brands in China

Lastly, some foreign brands prefer to keep their original name to avoid misunderstandings or confusion. However, this approach has been actively criticised in China because many Chinese speakers find foreign names particularly difficult to understand and pronounce. Therefore, to keep the original meaning of their brand name and make it intelligible for Chinese customers, companies like Apple and Microsoft proposed literal translations of their names. In China Apple has become 苹果“Píngguǒ”, which literally means “apple”; whereas Microsoft now is 微软 ”Wéiruǎn”, where “Wéi” is the word for “micro” and “Ruǎn” is the word for “soft”.

brand-naming strategy in China
[Source: Fortune, Microsoft in China]

Foreign brand naming in China, advice from Daxue Consulting

Shaping a brand-naming strategy in China can create more opportunities, and at the same time, be riddled with challenges that foreign companies must overcome if they are to succeed in the Chinese market. As the experience of some foreign businesses shows, brand-naming is a crucial part of a company’s marketing policy, and its neglect may lead to an untimely business failure. Therefore, the most successful companies rely on consulting companies operating in China like Daxue Consulting, which have the necessary expertise to guide foreign companies through the complex process of branding naming for the Chinese market.

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International luxury brands meet Chinese Lunar New Year 2019 | Daxue Consulting Mon, 21 Jan 2019 01:00:11 +0000 How foreign brands can leverage Chinese elements to approach the consumers For the rest of the world, it might already be a brand-new year, but not for Chinese people. The Chinese Lunar New Year is on the 5th of February in 2019. It is the most important traditional Chinese festival, which is also known as […]

This article International luxury brands meet Chinese Lunar New Year 2019 | Daxue Consulting is the first one to appear on Daxue Consulting - Market Research China.

How foreign brands can leverage Chinese elements to approach the consumers

For the rest of the world, it might already be a brand-new year, but not for Chinese people. The Chinese Lunar New Year is on the 5th of February in 2019. It is the most important traditional Chinese festival, which is also known as ‘Spring Festival’. The Chinese Lunar New Year is a challenge for international brands to interpret as the festive holiday carries very special significance to Chinese people. In this article, Daxue Consulting highlights some controversial examples from this year.

How can Chinese Lunar New Year be interpreted?

 1. Use the zodiac animal of the year

According to Chinese 12-animal zodiac, 2019 is the year of the pig. This appears to be a straightforward symbol of the New Year, yet much could be done wrong. Some animals are easier to use than others, e.g. rabbits, which is cute and harmless in both East and West cultures. But when it comes to pigs, foreign brands should be careful. Though pigs are a symbol of affluence in Chinese culture, they also could be used to call someone lazy or foolish.

We identified some negative reviews from netizens regarding campaigns such as the one of Gucci: some think this Chinese New Year special collection is hilarious; some are mocking what Gucci will do for their photo shooting next year (as the year after is the year of a mouse). Nevertheless, many Chinese netizens think the piggies are pretty cute (‘Meng’ as they said) and really like the droll pig figure on the products.

GUCCI Chinese Lunar New Year Marketing campaign

Screenshots: GUCCI Chinese New Year special collection on its Chinese official website
(CNY17.600 = USD2600, CNY12500 = USD1850)

A totally different strategy has been used by France luxury handbag brand Longchamp and Japanese high-end cosmetic brand SK-II, these two brands both use the element of pig’s squiggly tail in a more discreet and easily acceptable way.

Chinese Lunar New Year pig marketing campaign

Mr. Bags X Longchamp Limited edition

 successful pig marketing campaigns in China 2019

SK-II Chinese New Year limited edition

2. Use the Chinese language/wordplay

At the beginning of January 2019, Italian luxury brand Bvlgari released a promotion campaign on Chinese social media WeChat for the upcoming Chinese New Year. This post has since been deleted, which used a wordplay with Jew and Zhu (猪, Chinese for pig). Jew supposed to be the short version of jewelry and pronounced similar to Zhu in Mandarin, Bvlgari intended to use this smart mix-up to promote their Chinese New Year special collection of jewelry & watches. However, the brand seems to forget the other meaning of Jew and ironically the animal pig is ‘not kosher’.

watch and jewelry Chinese New Year Marketing campaign

Screenshots: Bvlgari’s now-deleted WeChat post promoting Chinese New Year special collection

3. Using other traditional Chinese elements

Burberry also launched a Chinese New Year campaign, named “Modern New Year” (摩登新禧). The luxury British fashion label has snapped up two Chinese very powerful influencers Zhao Wei (赵薇) and Zhou Dongyu (周冬雨) for this big campaign. The idea of the shooting is to set a scene of a family portrait showcasing the luxury products. Unfortunately, some Chinese netizens thought the ad lacked warmth: ‘They all look so isolated from each other; no one in this pic seems to be happy.’ On the other hand, a lot of Chinese consumers see this ad as stylish and modern. It is clear that Burberry has successfully managed to attract the attention of Chinese, as both opinions have caused heated discussion on Chinese social media.

International luxury brands meet Chinese New Year

Burberry’ Chinese New Year campaign “Modern New Year” (摩登新禧)

Another example is from U.S. high-end cosmetic brand Estée Lauder, which uses Chinese traditional paper-cut styled fans and changed the bottle color of their star-product from brown to red for the Chinese New Year campaign. This ad successfully creates a traditional and festive era, and at the same time, stays chic.

Luxury brands meet Chinese New Year 2019

Estée Lauder Chinese New Year campaign 2019

Do NOT neglect the perception of local Chinese

Not long ago, Dolce&Gabbana released three now-deleted promotional videos presenting a Chinese model eating Pizza and spaghetti using chopsticks, these ads were accused of being stereotypical, insensitive and disrespectful by Chinese consumers. With following poor China crisis management of D&G, the brand received huge reputation damage in China. It is doubtful that insulting China was the intention of D&G, instead, the brand tried to engage with Chinese consumers by using typical Chinese elements like chopsticks. Unfortunately, they neglected the perception of Chinese consumers by calling Italian food ‘great’ and chopsticks ‘stick-shaped cutlery’. To avoid misunderstanding and unnecessary brand image damage, international brands need to put great value on consultation from local experts.

Author: Chencen Zhu

Chinese culture is unique and very different from Western one including holidays and festivals. Even the New Year, Chinese celebrate differently, for example of a cultural feature is the date of the New Year, namely January-February based on the Lunar calendar and every year the date of the holiday varies. All companies, especially international luxury brands do not miss the opportunity to make a marketing campaign on the eve of the holiday and get more loyalty and brand awareness from Chinese customers. But to make sure that your campaign will go successfully and your brand name will not be spoiled, we recommend to consult with the experts, who are familiar with the Chinese market characteristics.

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